A performer is standing on stage. They have just opened an envelope. They have never read the play inside and have no idea what is about to unfold. The first page of the text contains a list of instructions written by an Iranian playwright named Nassim. Nassim refused to perform his military service, and as a result, his passport was revoked. Unable to leave his country, he wrote this play to travel the world. Tonight, he speaks to you through the voice and body of a daring performer. Unpredictable and unforgettable, Lapin blanc, lapin rouge is a powerful tribute to the power of words.
Since the 2010s, la Seizième has broadened its focus to the international stage, presenting works from global Francophone communities. This investment in theatre from around the world allows Vancouver audiences to experience unique forms and content that reflect a diverse society.
Text and ideation Nassim Soleimanpour
Translation Paul Lefebvre
Cast A different performer each night
In collaboration with Aurora Nova