In order to continue guarantying your safety and well-being, we have decided to create seating plans using ‘social bubbles’ for this show, that will provide social distance between audience groups.
The show is sold out? Pick another performance or give us a call at 604 736 2616 to be placed on a waiting list.
Inès de l’Ouest is a real little scamp, and her naughty tricks are notorious throughout the neighbourhood. One night, just as she is about to pull another doozy, she runs into a force even stronger than she is: Jacob de la Grande Prairie, a magical imp who instantly turns her into a tiny girl no bigger than a mouse. Carried away by a wild goose, Inès is off on a wild adventure!
Rébecca Déraspe has created a new adaptation especially for Western Canada: a voyage of discovery that sweeps us along from the beaches of Vancouver Island to the Okanagan Valley, and from the skyscrapers of Vancouver to the peaks of the Rockies. This imaginative show about friendship and exploration will bring joy to audiences of all ages.
Production Théâtre la Seizième
Text Rébecca Déraspe
Direction Emilie Leclerc
Cast Samantha Levy, Anaïs Pellin & David Underhill
Set & Puppet Design Shizuka Kai
Costume & Headpiece Design Jessica Oostergo
Costume Design Victoria Klippenstein
Elf Puppet Design/Build Randi Edmundson
Sound Design Heather Kemski
Stage Manager Gaël Chabot-Leclerc
Adapted from Le merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la Suède from Selma Lagerlöf
- Self discovery
- Friendship
- Geography
- Fauna
- Courage
Grade level From K to 8 Grade
Length About 45 minutes
Cost - Early bird (until November 19, 2021): $865 (+taxes); - Regular price: $890 (+taxes)
Maximum number of students Maximum 350
Venue In your theatre, gym, or any other space that can accommodate a show and its audience.
Educational material Guide provided maximum one month before the performance