Two feisty and free-spirited characters invite us into a secret party infused with a wonderful air of rebellion. Order is not a guest at this party: trample the cake with your shoes on and start your stories at the end. In fact, adults are not allowed in here. Well, okay, some might get a free pass, but only a few… because at the Dissidence Cabaret, kids rule all!
Partway between the worlds of carnival and burlesque, Une petite fête creates a space for gentle disobedience that joyfully shakes up the rules governing children’s daily lives. In a succession of acts led by a mischievous trio, what’s forbidden is transgressed and conventional, thwarted. A tribute to impertinence and freedom, sure to delight the very young!
Production Le Carrousel, compagnie de théâtre (Québec)
Text Martin Bellemare
Direction and set design Marie-Eve Huot
Assistant direction Alexandra Sutto
Cast Pénélope Ducharme, Mathieu Gosselin, Némo Venba
Music Diane Labrosse
Scenic design and prop design Margot Lacoste
Lighting design Louis-Xavier Gagnon-Lebrun, with the assistance of Nicola Dubois
Costume and props design Sarah Chabrier
Costume assistant Vivienne Worotnik
Sewing Sarah Chabrier, Danielle Fagen
Hairstyle and makeup Suzanne Trépanier
Wigs Perruques & Co
Scenic dramaturgy advisor Patrice Charbonneau-Brunelle
Lighting and sound management on stage Rébecca Brouillard, Nicolas Fortin
Technical direction and production management Nicolas Fortin
Co-production Théâtre français du Centre National des Arts (Ottawa) and Société de développement culturel de Terrebonne
Developed in collaboration with Fonds national de création du Centre National des Arts du Canada
With the support of Quebec governement
And the contribution of Fonds Langelier - Fondation pour la Langue Française
And the participation of the Government of Canada and the Ministry of Education and Child Care of British Columbia
And of Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie
Grade levels From 4 to 8 years old
Show length 45 mins
Cost $15/child, $10/adult (+taxes)
Total number of seats 70 children and 6 daycare workers/teachers maximum per performance for a school show
Educational material Study guide provided 1 month before the performance
Eligible to the Passep'ART program