Tasty interview with the author and the actresses of Crème-Glacée

Marie-Hélène Larose-Truchon, the author of Crème-Glacée, as well as the 3 actresses, Sabrina Auclair, Marion Barot and Mariana Tayler, completed our survey. We get to know them, in resonance with the characters of the play!
1) Which Crème-Glacée character do you look like and why?
Marie-Hélène : The four characters have several common features: They are highly sensitive and very passionate. I would say that I am like all the characters put together, I’m spontaneous and crazy like Madame Sa Mère, I love my solitude like La Vieille, I’m casual like Samantha … but Crème-Glacée is the one that looks like me the most. She loves a good story, poetry, and classical music, she is interested in things most other girls are not interested in … As a child, I often felt different.
2) What is your favorite ice cream flavour?
Marie-Hélène : I like many flavours, from hazelnuts to pralines; I also like the taste of coffee but overall, chocolate wins every time.
Mariana : Chocolate
Sabrina : Cookie dough, yummy!
Marion : The taste of lavender! In addition to smelling good, it calms and soothes the mind.
3) If you had to choose a single bedtime story, which one would you like to hear?
Marie-Hélène : “It’s the story of a whale and an elephant who are madly in love with each other …” I am very curious about the last story Madame Sa Mère tells at the end of the play. As the play ends before I hear the ending, I would want to know more! I thought about this story a long time ago, and I haven’t written it yet. Otherwise, I love it when my husband tells me the bad things he did when he was a child, he is a great storyteller!
Mariana : A story about my family; I like being told where I come from.
Sabrina : The story of Mulan, my favorite Disney movie.
Marion : A love story like Cinderella’s. I do looooove a romantic story!
4) As Madame Sa Mère in her fight for the environment, what is the cause for which you would go to the barricades?
Marie-Hélène : The last time I participated in a rally about aboriginal women abductions and murders. Social injustice makes me want to protest!
Mariana : Discrimination
Sabrina : Gender equality and all feminist causes.
Marion : Poverty.
5) La Vieille cannot help perfuming herself. What is the thing you cannot forego?
Marie-Hélène : My sincere and deep love for ice cream. I would eat some every day!
Mariana : Speaking. I am always speaking. I have to stop myself from constantly interrupting conversations.
Sabrina : My cat Pumpkin.
Marion : I can’t help myself but, every morning, I apply day cream on my face!
6) When you were a little girl, did you have sitters? What games did you play with them?
Marie-Hélène : I had several sitters, some good and some bad. I liked it when they played along with our imaginary games (mine and my sister’s), like when they disguised themselves. I also loved that they shared the stories of their lives; adolescence fascinated me.
Mariana : Not really, maybe once or twice.
Sabrina : Yes of course! We played a lot of board games, I always loved board games!
Marion : Yes! I loved my sitter. We enjoyed dressing up and creating small shows!
7) Crème-Glacée discovers a magical and fanciful world at the bottom of the bucket that bears her name. Where is your very own enchanted world?
Marie-Hélène : You should know the play comes from a game I enjoyed with my sister. We were looking for Santa Claus in our ice cream bowl. Because when you dive in, it looks like mountains, sharp ridges, small snow paths… Also, my other enchanted world would be at the bottom of the sea where it’s beautiful, all blue and so calm.
Mariana : My room was in the attic and it had an enormous wardrobe. Its roof got smaller and smaller at the back. I would hide behind my clothes and where I had created my favourite hidding place with cushions and games.
Sabrina : In the world of Harry Potter without hesitation.
Marion : In the clouds! I love to imagine myself diving into the clouds where I would live lots of adventures!
8) In the game of “I love / I hate”, what would be your first choice for each category?
Marie-Hélène : I LOVE my gray cat called Minuit (Midnight), but I hate it when he terrorizes the mice while having fun with them.
Mariana : I love my family, my friends and my boyfriend. I hate mayhem.
Sabrina : I love chocolate / I hate olives.
Marion : I love my dear family and I hate getting hurt.
9) What makes you do the “impatient smoke”?
Marie-Hélène : Waiting! I like taking my time, but when I’m ready, I do not like to wait. Paradox.
Mariana : Missing a bus.
Sabrina : When the bus is late.
Marion : Forgetting a dish in the oven. I hate burning a meal… yes, I’m a little bit like Madame Sa mère, hahaha!
10) Are you an outstanding cook like Samantha’s mom or do you have to improvise with the leftovers like Madame Sa Mère?
Marie-Hélène : I would say that I am in between. I like cooking, but it’s never very complicated. Sometimes I improvise with what I have left in cupboards, but it is rarely to cook a good pâté with ”jamaican-filtered-omega-two-third-eye vegetables”.
Mariana : I love cooking! I cook often and well.
Sabrina : I am worse than Madame Sa Mère at cooking! Really!
Marion : I am outstanding! I love to buy fresh ingredients and cook various meals for my family and friends. Well, as long as I don’t burn them! 🙂